Our pet dog is practically the most important thing we have in this world. These trustworthy companions can help us laugh, smile, or just be happy when your world crashes down. We can never deny the fact, however, that we may outlive our stalwart companions, since they have a much shorter lifespan that we do. In order to keep their memories alive, then you might want to take puppy pictures so that you will never forget that you once had a friend that you can call true.
Camera At The Ready
You might notice that your puppy won't stay in a single place long enough for you to take their pictures. In fact, dogs are always on the move and telling them sit and stay, unless they are trained, will be impossible for them to understand. At most cases, you need to keep your camera at the ready at all times. Whether you're in or out of the house, you need to make sure that your camera is within easy reach when they manage to stay.
You can try to catch them unaware, but dogs have a sensitive hearing. They will usually respond to the click of your camera with a few movements of their own.
High Shutter Speed
If you want to take a shot of your dog during their play time, then your normal camera won't just cut it. You need a camera with a high-shutter speed to catch an accurate picture of them -- even whey they're on the move. You can also take pictures in Burst mode to see if the consecutive shots will yield a good result.
Know Their Habits
You need to anticipate the moves of your pet if you want to take decent picture of them. Since dogs would sleep, sit, eat, or play, it's quite easy to determine what they're planning to do next. Try to observe their habits, if you don't know them already, on what part of the day they are usually active. Determine where they hang-out, so that you can keep track of them later on when you are ready to take their picture.
There are only two ways to take a successful picture of your pet. Its either they are sleeping soundly that they won't notice the click of your camera, or when they're eating. Try to get a good angle and start clicking while they're stationary.
http://anamigo.com -- Puppy/Dog Pictures
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