When you follow the right affiliate marketing guide you can increase your earnings in many different ways but there are just some strategies that you will eventually master and maintain that course as long as it is working. Affiliate marketing can be a very lucrative internet business but just like any business online or off there are some traps you can fall into that will hurt you in the long run.
One of the most powerful ways "if not the most powerful" of increasing your affiliate income is through product recommendations. Many successful affiliate marketers solely rely on this strategy because it is based on a trust factor which can turn your internet business into a goldmine. If your loyal customers, readers and subscribers trust you enough they will trust your recommendations.
That's the good news. Now here is the bad news.
As powerful as this strategy is there are many affiliate marketers that destroy their credibility because of it. Here are some common mistakes made with product recommendations in affiliate marketing:
- Promoting every product that hits the market - I'm sure you belong to a few mailing lists and blog feeds, so you surely aren't a stranger to the barrage of emails and posts pitching the latest and greatest product which seems to be an endless supply of them.
- Avoiding the negative aspects of the product - no product is perfect. If there is something about it you don't like then it should be mentioned. Obviously you won't trash it if it's a product you believe in but there may be something a prospect will appreciate you mentioned.
- What's in it for them? - the recommendation should focus on what it can do for the potential customers. The product can have all the bells and whistles but it means squat if it doesn't benefit the buyer.
- Show me the stats! - there are products and services that are self-explanatory but in many cases giving people statistics and showing them proof goes a long way. I don't give a hoot about how much you made. Tell me how you made it!
- Drop the sales pitch - if the product recommendations sound like sales pitches then the chances of anyone buying the product will be almost zero.
Let's get back to the good news.
If you can demonstrate a consistent presence as an expert in your target market then recommending products could be your most powerful marketing tool.
How do you prove your expertise?
- Offer new and unique solutions people would not get elsewhere.
- Display proof what you are promoting works as advertised.
- Show endorsements and testimonials from known and respected people in your target market.
Do you want to learn more about growing your Internet business and earning an Internet income fast? - Download this for Free now - InternetBusinessBuilding.net
Jimmy Adames is an Internet Business Building Specialist who mentors beginners, small business owners or those struggling to succeed online by teaching them how to increase their income through easy to follow classes, e-Courses, lesson plans or one-on-one mentoring.
He also provides reasonably priced online services that includes affiliate recruitment, information product creation, list building, marketing, promotions, and various website components.
(c) Copyright - Jimmy Adames.
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