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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Great Secret To A Healthy Weight Loss

Can you imagine yourself without the extra weight?

Can you see in your mind how you will look once the extra weight is gone?

Could you draw, in your imagination, a picture of yourself, with as many details as possible, the way you want to look once you will successfully manage your weight?

Can you feel it?

Can you feel this picture, this great picture of yourself, the one that will fit the new you, once you successfully manage your weight?

Does this feel good?

Are you smiling?

Always have this picture in your mind, it will boost your confidence and it will keep you motivated all day long.

Remind yourself of this picture every morning and evening, every single day.

Did you eat breakfast this morning?

Did you add ground flax seed and/or flax seed oil to your breakfast?

You did not eat breakfast?

You mean you did not have the time to take some natural bio yoghurt, to add 2 table spoons of ground flax seed and a fruit?

You did not have the time to mix in the blender a bit of yoghurt, 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds and your favorite fruit?

You could even add a dry date or a prune for a little sweetness, some more help for digestion and easy bowel movements.

What a pity this will have sustained you for 3-4 hours, at least; no hunger and no cravings. This sounds like a great help.

Do you drink enough water, mineral water, pure water everyday, all day long? Do you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day?

Water keeps our body hydrated so it does not need to store extra water weight as excess water. Water eases digestion, cleans the bowels and reduce craving; all good reasons to drink even more water.

Personally, I prefer to drink a glass of water every hour of my active day. It reduces my appetite, satisfies my thirst, gives me a few minutes to re-energize and keeps me healthy; great benefits for so little efforts.

Did you exercise today?

Did you go to the gym?

Did you walk or run in your neighborhood?

Did you take the stairs?

Did you park your car far from the entrance, so you have the chance to walk a little more?

Great you do everything possible to manage your weight successfully!

  • You are motivated.
  • You eat healthily.
  • You drink enough water.
  • You exercise.

You will notice the results in no time

The secret to a healthy weight loss, as well as a healthy weight management, is to combine a positive attitude, healthy eating habits and physical exercise. Each key ingredient must be present if you want to succeed. It is like a good recipe, you cannot discard one of the ingredients without changing the outcome.

To your health and your ideal weight

Isabelle Epstein, Dedicated to healthy nutrition and a healthy life style
"3 Easy Steps to Healthy Weight Loss and Healthy Weight management"

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