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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Valuable Tips For Collecting Stamps

Any stamp collector appreciates valuable information and tips that will help them protect their investments. With any type of collection, knowledge and understanding is the key, and through research this can be achieved and also through these valuable tips.

To ideal is not to have every single stamp that exists in your collection, but to learn about the ones you have in you collection now by researching your stamps by their countries and cultures. Special care should also be taken when storing your collection to protect them from any damage that might occur and to ensure their condition for years to come.

To learn the current market value of various stamps in your collection there are a number of on-line sites where dealers sell stamps and by searching for a particular stamp you may be able to find the same stamp have. This is a quick and effective way of finding out the current market value of many of your stamps.

Most dealers will belong to the American Philatelic Society and if they do, then they have a well established reputation. When ever the collector is checking out ads in a stamp magazine be sure to always look for the symbol of either APS, which stands for the American Philatelic Society, or the American Stamp Dealers Association. Both of these organizations have a code of ethics which their member subscribe to.

Although many collectors do not think about the potential profits a stamp or stamp cover will have, it is a wise practice to purchase only material of the highest quality that you can afford. The value of stamps and covers will rise if and only if they are in the best condition. Any stamp that is never hinged, original gum, and well centered will be of more value than one that is has been hinged and has no gum. It is always a smart bet to purchase your stamps with quality in mind.

If you are attempting to purchase any stamp for your collection of a value more than say a hundred dollars, then it should come with an expert certificate from some sort of philatelic expertizing agency, which will certify their authenticity. This types of stamps should not be purchased without a certificate, because there are forgeries on the market and unless you are an expert you may not be able to tell them apart.

There is always an increase in value when collecting postal history, especially those that have gone through the mail or have been commercially used by the sender. Much of the postal history over the world before the 1930s has been found of value, and the collecting of these stamps would cover the periods of a classic future time. Learning about a particular specialty area will increase your knowledge that the majority of dealers do not have. Dealers can not know everything there is to know about every variety of stamp and sell them too, so a collector who has a vast knowledge will be able to spot stamps of special value when they are below what they actually are worth.

The absolute best source on information on any subject dealing with philately is either the American Philatelic Research Library or the American Philatelic Society, which can be accessed at This web site will give the collector the capabilities of search a wide variety of topics and even have consultations with them via e-mail.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant about rare coins, stamp collections, and rare collectibles. Follow these links to find the best marketplace for: collections, stamp collections.

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