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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Nokia 2630 Vs Samsung L200

Comparing a mobile phone and a camera is never the easiest thing in the world to do, for obvious reasons. Both the Nokia 2630 and the Samsung l200 are focused on vastly different areas; the former having the primary task of making and receiving phone calls, and the latter solely dedicated to snapping pictures. However, ever since mobile phones began to evolve into the do-everything devices that they so often turn out to be nowadays, there is some small overlap that has undoubtedly occurred between them and digital cameras.

Naturally, this is in no small part due to the fact that one of the areas that is most focused on in so many mobile phones is that of incorporating digital camera functionality into their usage. So, perhaps comparing the Nokia 2630 and the Samsung l200 is not such a stretch after all.

Camera Phone vs. Digital Camera

In essence it would be pretty trying on any mobile phone, even the high end variety, to compare them to a dedicated digital camera such as the Samsung l200. When that phone is the Nokia 2630 however, it is even more trying as not only is the Nokia 2630 most definitely not within the bracket of the high end type phones, but it is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum in the entry level mobile phones section.

Comparing the overlap that is the camera on the mobile phone that is the Nokia 2630 and the digital camera that is the Samsung l200, the blindly clear verdict already becomes visible. For starters, the camera that the Nokia 2630 possesses is a VGA quality camera, with 640x480 pixel resolution. Roughly translated, this means that it has absolutely nothing when in competition with the 10.2 megapixels that the Samsung l200 uses to great effect.

On top of that, photographing ability is not purely a case of resolution, and the Samsung l200 has a host of other features that complement its resolution capabilities. One of the most obvious would be the autofocus that really, no self respecting camera could ever be without. Unfortunately, the Nokia 2630 does not have any autofocus, and so is already behind on the count.

Furthermore, by merit of the 3x optical zoom, and 5x digital zoom, the Nokia 2630 really has little by way of answering the challenges that the Samsung l200 poses in photography. Apart from all that, other features such as image stabilisation make further comparison completely unnecessary, and even painful by nature.

On the bright side for the Nokia 2630, the Samsung l200 is completely incapable of sending or receiving phone calls. Of course, this does not excuse the dismal performance of the Nokia 2630, but to be completely fair, with most mobile phones just only breaching the 5 megapixel resolution part, even the highest market of mobile phones would have a tough time competing.

Essentially, for any who wants a camera, then the Samsung l200 gives a great experience. On the opposing end, the Nokia 2630 is also specifically designed for entry level mobile phone users, and certainly has an appeal with its understated simplicity.

About the Author:
We compare prices on mobile phone deals in the UK. So why don't you visit us and view the best deals for the Nokia 2630 and the Samsung I200 or any other mobile phone handset.

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