Our lives can be likened to a ship on the great sea of Life. However, as with any ship on the sea, there must be purposeful navigating in order to get from one point to the other. Otherwise the ship will be aimless and that is not a good thing. Our lives cannot be carried about with the winds and the waves. If our lives go wherever the winds and waves take us, then we have no say in where we end up. There is a popular saying that goes something like, "whatever will be will be." That is the attitude that represents the opposite of purposefully navigating through life.
The question then is how does one know that they are purposefully navigating their lives? The answer lies in the prevailing thought. Simply step back and see what it is you think about the most. What kind of thought is it? Is it a dream or is it just idle "junk" thoughts? The answer you are looking for is a thought along the lines of a dream or aspiration. Our mind is a gift , not to spend time musing on idle thoughts or fantasies. Rather the mind is like the drawing board of our creative nature to build our lives into whatever we desire. The prevailing thought is a picture of where we want to be. If we keep our minds on that picture, we will chart the course of our lives in that direction. To navigate towards the dream or destination requires two important navigation tools. Just like a ship that requires a compass, we need a compass to keep us on course. Do you know what that compass is?
Our Tongue. To get to the desired destination shown to us in the prevailing thought, our words must line up with it. For example, an athlete whose prevailing thought is on winning the championship, will not be caught saying, "we will never win the championship." You will probably never find a team that has won a championship, surprised that they have won (as if they were not expecting to win at all). Listen to their pre-game conversations and hear the confidence in their words. There will be no words that are contrary to the desired result, the championship. The second important navigation tool is the ship's wheel, which is our Actions.
Taking corresponding action with our words will bring us to the destination of the prevailing thought. The same championship team did not just say, "we are going to take the championship this year," and then went home and watch TV. Any championship team will attest to the hard work and time they put in on the practice fields and in the weight rooms etc. Discipline, commitment and dedication are required. Life will not give us anything that is worth achieving for free or for a cheap price. If we are quick to give up, Life will not toss us any "freebies." We will be left empty. Life does not play "politically correct" games that require it to be fair to everyone. If your prevailing thought is not one of a desired destination, then change it by clearing your mind of junk. Everyone of us has destiny wired in us. So if you focus on it, the prevailing thought will become clear to you. When it does, lock into the picture. Then use your words and corresponding action to take you there.
Copyright 2008, Mark A. Singh. All rights reserved.
Mark A. Singh
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