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Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Law of Attraction and Goals - Keeping the Big Picture

I'm not going to spend much time here telling you about the importance of setting goals. This is probably one of the most widely covered topics in self-help literature.

Suffice it to say, you should set goals and write them down, so that you have a clear idea of what you want in life. What I really want to focus on is the importance of keeping a particular type of goal in mind -your long term, "Big Picture" goals.

The Law of Attraction brings to us what we focus on, and to make the most of this it helps to be aware of what you are thinking about from moment to moment and how these thoughts make you feel. One challenge that arises sometimes is that we get bogged down in the details of day to day living. For many of us who are trying to change our circumstances, the world we live in is, in many ways, not ideal. There are many things we would like to be different, whether it involves finances, health, relationships or certain items we would like to possess but don't.

Keep in mind that the world you experience is a result of what your thoughts and feelings created in the past. This is probably why some spiritual traditions teach that the world is an illusion. It's real enough, but it's always a little behind our current state of being --that is, until we reach the master level where our thoughts manifest reality instantly. So what happens is that we often focus on the particular aspects of life that we would like to change, and forget about what we really want, which can seem far off.

If you consider your circumstances, and talk to others in similar positions, you'll find that the same issues tend to arise over and over, whether it's concerning your job, relationships or any aspect of life. For example, some people are perpetually dissatisfied with their jobs. They find that they go from one job to another, and that wherever they go, they don't get paid enough, they have difficulty getting along with management or coworkers, or they feel stress.

Now, we could tell someone like this that the Law of Attraction shows that these circumstances are self-created and that if they want to change them they first have to change their inner state. However, there is something even more fundamental to remember, which is related to this but a little different. Even if we accept that we can change the outer world by changing the inner, we don't want to get too preoccupied with changing every little aspect of the outer world. Why? Because, in most cases, this is not what we really want.

Consider someone whose goal is to be an entrepreneur, but who is getting by at various "day jobs" that don't pay very well and are not very stimulating or creative. This person can, of course, use the Law of Attraction to find the "ideal" day job with the best pay and the least number of annoyances, but is this what he or she really wants? No, what they really want is to get a business of their own off the ground so they don't have to work at day jobs at all. So it's perfectly fine to manifest what you want in your day to day life, but it's even more important to keep the Big Picture in mind --where you really want to go.

The smaller aspects of life tend to be repeated wherever we go, so long as we remain on the same basic level. So, in the above example, the person going from one low paying job to another may find it hard to manifest the ideal job, because much of what they don't like is built into the situation. The particular annoyances -the boss you don't like, a specific task you hate to do- may seem like the real issues, but they aren't really. You don't want to be perpetually trading one set of unsatisfactory circumstances for another.

Keeping your eye on the Big Picture does not mean ignoring the details of everyday life. Definitely try to improve those as well. However, when you focus on what you really want, the smaller details tend to recede into the background, and you find that your tolerance for minor problems is much higher. This is because you know that what you are seeing in front of you is temporary. Most people have the opposite tendency. The details of their present life are what fills most of their awareness, and the Big Picture is far in the background. This is an important distinction to be aware of, for every thought you have is telling the universe what is really important to you.

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