Store Best Deals

Saturday, May 16, 2009



Even if you can upload the image to your web site you must not to forget that some of your visitors don't have pretty good internet speed and it will takes them too much time to open your image and many times people don't like the big images. Visitors may loose their patience and to close your site before the image is loaded - even if you have what to show them. Some people have a limited traffic connection, so they can loose their traffic only with one page from your site if you haven't optimization for your images. Believe me - they will never come back to your pages again!

Problem with the limit space to your server: It is very important to know that if you are using free web server (hosting) or if your package for the hosting is space limited than you may have a problems with the free space for your site, because of the pictures size. If you have a lot of pictures with a big size you will use your server space only for a few images and will be no longer able to upload more pictures. That is why you will need to optimize your images for web.

Even if you can upload the image to your web site you must not to forget that some of your visitors don't have pretty good internet speed and it will takes them too much time to open your image and many times people don't like the big images. Visitors may loose their patience and to close your site before the image is loaded - even if you have what to show them. Some people have a limited traffic connection, so they can loose their traffic only with one page from your site if you haven't optimization for your images. Believe me - they will never come back to your pages again!

Problem with the limit space to your server: It is very important to know that if you are using free web server (hosting) or if your package for the hosting is space limited than you may have a problems with the free space for your site, because of the pictures size. If you have a lot of pictures with a big size you will use your server space only for a few images and will be no longer able to upload more pictures. That is why you will need to optimize your images for web.

These are just a few of the reasons to optimize your images. But you may wonder how to make them with a small size and still to be with a good quality. Paint Shop Pro can help you!

PP Group has car-tuning TV - online television for tuning cars and Photo Paradise - Digital images source.

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