Waiting for the plane to rev its engines and race off down the runway, I always take a moment to say a little mantra - a silent blessing for a safe journey. That's because I know that within seconds the engines will be screaming and we'll be hurtling down the runway at top speed and then steeply climbing into the air. It might seem like all the action is in taking off but that's really not true.
It's when we reach our cruising altitude that things truly begin to happen on a flight - the satellite TV kicks in, you can plug back into your electronic devices, the beverage cart comes out, and everyone exhales and settles in for the journey. That first big burst of energy takes up an enormous amount of fuel but we actually begin to get somewhere at 39,000 feet.
Looking out the window you get a much different view of the world.
You get to see the big picture - the one on top of the clouds, not under them. When it's clear you can see the patchwork quilt of the landscape, the peaks of mountains, and the vast horizon.
Mostly it's pretty smooth sailing up there. Sure sometimes there's a little turbulence and the pilot has to look for smoother air, but for the most part things just hum along.
Life is like that too.
We put a lot of energy into revving our engines but we don't really take off. We run around taking care of our to-do list and in the process somehow our priorities get a little out of whack. We have a tendency to get stuck in the details of life and lose sight of the big picture. We don't often just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Have you reached cruising altitude in your life?
Do you have a handle on the big picture?
If you haven't taken the time to get clear about where you are going and what is important, then you are just racing up and down the runway of life. And if you keep doing that, sooner or later you'll simply run out of fuel. You'll find you never quite get where it is you want to go.
Being able to step back and see the big picture helps to keep things in perspective, lets you make more conscious choices and weather any rocky times with greater ease.
Quite simply, when you're navigating by the big picture, you're far less likely to lose your way. You can focus on what's really important instead of being distracted by daily side trips and other people's priorities. The big picture let's you take your life to new heights. Take some time to figure out your view from 39,000 feet. Once you've reached cruising altitude life will be one smooth ride.
Laurel Vespi, certified life coach and chief executive guru of stone circle coaching, ignites businesses & individuals to new levels of CHANGE. Laurel works with clients internationally, providing unconventional yet practical tips that make the seemingly impossible... possible!
Sign up for Laurel's free ezine, inside the circle, and receive the bonus article "Five Steps to Finding Your Life Path."
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