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Friday, April 3, 2009

Moving Up To HD Technology

With Blue Ray technology winning the battle as the preferred supplier of HD DVD's we can now enter a stable area of technology for a while and consider moving our whole viewing experience to HD across the board. HD TV means for us a better picture with incredible detail and very vivid true to life colors. There are always new things to get used to like understanding 1080i and 1080p, the difference is 1080i has five times the amount of pixels as a standard definition TV. The 1080p is however the best picture you can currently get - the picture detail is updated twice as fast as a 1080i.

HDTV 1080p generates the best smoothest image and flicker free image. This is definitely one of the items to look for when buying an HDTV system especially if you are expecting to go and get a TV larger than 40 inches. Here a few things to look for when considering what to buy for HDTV systems.

(1) Make sure the system is HD ready look for the "HD Ready" symbol it should be located on the product somewhere if in doubt always ask. The HD Ready symbol will mean that all your HD equipment will instantly work with this item. This always makes me feel better as I hate to find out that something does not communicate without and additional item.

(2) Is it 1080p standard this is as I have previously said is the best standard and well worth paying the extra to make sure that you have your equipment to work with the best quality broadcasts at present as these will make the equipment last longer in terms of your investment.

(3) Check the connections on the product carefully you should be looking for HDMI in an uncompressed form of input socket. The more HDMI points the better but you should be looking for at least two on your HDTV and a component input.

(4) You need to choose between LCD and Plasma TV's the rule of thumb is this LCD screens are cheaper than the plasma screens but the plasma screens offer a better picture quality for people with sharper vision.

(5) Lastly go and see one spend a lot of time in shops looking at what your are going to buy mainly consider that this will be one of your main sources of entertainment for many years so consider the benefits of getting the best available picture. Ask lots of questions and make sure that it measures up to your standards that are laid out.

(6) This is the important feature try to consider how this will be used in its maximum state i.e. consider the all the devices that may be connected to your HDTV and will it be able to cope with all the input devices. These include sling box technology, Gaming device, HD Recorders, DVD players and sound systems. Make sure that what you get will be able to encompass all the devices that you may use now or in the future.

Buying major equipment can always be a bit of a problem you don't know if the technology is stable or what will change at the moment the 1080p HDTV technology is currently the best and having just got one installed it's not bad for watching football on at all.

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