Getting people to notice you as a photographer is key to your success. The more people recognize you the more you're name will be passed around. Passing your name around by word of mouth is the biggest and best publicity you can get.
How to get your name out there
There are many ways to get your name out for people to hear. If you can do this for free even better but most of the time you have to absorb some costs. Absorbing costs is part of running your own business, the whole point is to promote your name and get it out there for people to hear.
Hold a contest
Holding a contest is a great way to get your business out there. New or expecting mothers are a great area to target when thinking of holding a contest. Why? Babies grow so fast and change so quickly. Capturing those cute little baby features when their itty bitty make great keep sakes for parents.
Make up some ballets stating contest rules and end times and put a cap on the number of entries. Hold the contest for a month, taking a picture of every baby entry and have a different random winner every week. The winner of the contest will get a gift certificate to a local baby store.
Why not give a FREE photograph as the prize?
Every photographer known to man has done this contest and give a FREE 8 x 10 picture of the winning baby. You're going to do things a bit different. Go into a local baby store and tell them you want to hold a contest for a month and would like to use their store as the prize (given in a gift certificate). Ask them to put your ballets near the register, make sure to put a nice picture of a baby that you've taken to show your talent.
The store may even give you a free certificate because you are driving traffic to their store. Make sure you make it clear that the winner of the contest is chosen by random selection, not cuteness of baby or best picture. Also make sure to post a picture of, "last week's winner" when mothers see the picture they will know their baby is cuter is want to get in on the contest.
The Results
I previously stated that new or expecting mothers are great to target for getting pictures, and it's true. One of the best things, as a mother, is having the choice to call up a professional photographer and get pictures done when you need them. Showing locals in your area that you're serious about what you do will get you results.
Contests are one of the greatest ways to get people to notice you and your work. Using great opportunities like this will help make your business a success. To find out more information please visit Photography Basics
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