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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Personal Coaching & Self-Improvement - The Overall Picture

Let's look at an overview of personal coaching. These days, you will find that more and more people are going in for personal coaching programmes, so that they can deal with challenges and problems in their personal and professional lives with greater effectiveness.

The fundamental concept of personal coaching is that of self improvement. A personal coach seeks to make a person's life better through specialised skills and techniques. There are all kinds of coaching programmes available today, but the basic principle of self improvement stays the same across all programmes.

Identifying With The Correct Coaching Procedure

When a personal coaching programme is being considered, a certain procedure is followed. The first step in the process is a personal interview between the coach and his client. This in-depth exchange of information makes the situation clear. The agreed objectives are identified and discussed, and methods for achieving them mapped out by both the client and his personal coach.

During the process of the personal coaching, the client has to commit himself to achieving certain objectives that will help him attain his final goal, while bringing out the best in himself and exploiting his own potential.

Evolving With Self Improvement

The process of self improvement takes place while the personal coaching is going on. Personal coaching programmes may be extended if so required - an assessment will be undertaken and goals redefined or new goals established. Such an assessment is very useful for the learner who will gain an insight into himself and his behaviour and set him on the path to self-improvement.

While someone is going through a personal coaching programme, he will certainly learn a lot about himself, his behaviour, attitudes, reaction, strengths and shortcomings. He will learn to analyse himself and take the first step towards self-improvement - without this kind of study and understanding, self-improvement is not possible.

His plans to reach his goals will succeed better if they are based on detailed self-knowledge, and the process of self-improvement energized and thrust forward. Every individual will experience noticeable self-improvement, as he applies his knowledge about himself, realizing where he has to make changes and where he can do things in a better, more effective way.

Effective Communication through Coaching

Most personal coaching programmes deal with clients in a specific way, following a specific procedure. Clear channels of communication that are necessary for the personal coaching process are established. Methodologies and techniques are discussed and chosen, and a rapport begins to be set up between the client and his personal coach. The various ways in which the client can achieve his objective are identified, and the best ways to solve problems and meet challenges are decided upon. Feedback is a vital component of the personal coaching process and one of the most basic steps towards self-improvement.

Have an excellent day,
Martin Jeszke


Live in the UK currently, married with Italian wife, 2 grown up children both attending university. I have been involved with Personal Development for several years both in the corporate world and now ongoing training.

My mentors are Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn and now Stephen Pierce.

I love to write including Blogging, Articles, Free Newletters, Writing advertisements, Web Site Copywriting. Interests: Photography, Guitar, Music,Yoga, Sport, Reading and Web Publishing


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