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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Law of Attraction - Now Picture This!

The Law of Attraction has delivered some amazing results to a number of people. Their faith will never be anything less than what faith is, an unconditional belief in something.

What do you believe in so strongly that you say your faith in it is unconditional? Most of us have so many distractions, we tend to pause and realize there isn't too much we are that 100% sure of. Remember faith doesn't ask WHY? It just believes unconditionally and the Law of Attraction is thus engaged.

So here's what I do to keep my Law of Attraction at the top unconditional level:

1 - I stay clear as to what I want. I keep a journal and write my desires out very clearly. Keeping all the thoughts positive. Not writing "I want" but rather "I have" .. I have because, my unconditional faith tells me everyday, that it's on it's way to me.

2 - Stay clear with actual pictures. Real pictures of what I am trying to manifest. Just looking at these pictures adds a certain positive energy. It makes my desires extremely clear as without a focus point, I can, just like you, get distracted and go off course. Pictures work very very well. These are your dreams, your pictures, your mind movies!

3 - Practice saying thank you. We were all taught this, but forget so often to say it. Gratitude is the strongest part of the Law of Attraction equation. Being genuinely grateful, even for the smallest thing, draws a powerful energy towards you. Practice, thank you, thank you, thank you as often as possible, and do it everyday!

4 - Be non toxic! By being aware of the toxic items you are exposed to everyday. And I mean people. People can be toxic! Filled with negativity, complaints, gossip .. it's all very toxic, and will steal all the good work you are doing towards the Law of Attraction. Try to move away from toxic people as soon as you can, they will pull you and your energy down. You are probably thinking of a few of those people right now, family members, co workers ... yep, they are all around us.

Your Action Item Today: Do what I do! Start collecting the pictures of the things you desire most. Your Law of Attraction Pictures will keep you very focused.

Mike Perras is a former broadcast executive, freelance journalist, business consultant and college teacher. He has been studying the Law of Attraction for 20 years and can tell you more about Mind Movies at

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