It does not matter in what part of the world, the sunset on the beach is a scene every photographer would love to capture, as it truly is. But, because there is such a wide variation in the hues of lighting, this act requires some skills.
The contrast between the brightness of the sun and the dark edge of the water become a big problem for the photographer. In that case, usually a GND filter and a tripod help. GND stands for Graduated Neutral Density and its purpose is to limit how much light should go across the image. It can be done by blending the different hues of the light or radiating from the border into the center of the picture.
There is such a variety of GND filters. Some are considered "soft" and some are considered "hard". The "soft" filter works by producing a subtle transition of the light; while the "hard" one creates the opposite effect, it blends in a sharper, more abrupt manner.
The use of a tripod is very significant when trying to catch the sunlight, because in order to get the perfect result from the GND filters, you will have to increase the exposure times. You also have to comprehend the settings for f-stop blend.
If you want to try different results with landscapes that are very bright, consider GND filters. Unlike editing software, the use of GND filters enables you to obtain the image as it really is, preserving its true beauty. So, think about your next upgrade to your digital camera.
Take your photos to the next level! To learn more tips visit Digital Photo Tips
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