Handbags and designer handbags have skyrocketed past the utilitarian into the ultra fashionable must-have item for many women and even men.
Hobo bags, totes, messenger bags, clutches, and satchels are just a few of the styles of handbags being manufactured by major fashion houses and replica companies the world over. These status symbols are so ever-present that wealthy people often have a different bag for every outfit or mood!
If you've been living in a cave for the past century, here are some explanations of the flamboyant styles being seen on the streets of the planet, from L.A. to Milan.
A hobo bag is crescent-shaped, sometimes with exaggerated pleats for effect. These bags have large or small capacities and a long strap allows for shoulder, elbow, wrist, or hand carrying. These designer handbags are popular with the fashionable, from wealthy urbanites to high-profile celebrities and debutantes who want the hobo-chic look. Comfort and practicality make these bags ideal for any occasion.
Tote bags differ slightly from hobos, but they can share the same mixture of practicality and fashion expected from a handbag these days. Totes are square in appearance with a wide opening, allowing fast and easy access. They usually have large capacities for holding all the daily essentials, plus extras if you're going to the store, library, etc. Totes generally have two handles to ensure immediate access and durable carrying. Although some brands will put locking or closing hardware on totes, this is not common. Most companies will design totes amongst their other designer handbag styles.
Messenger bags are relatively new to the realm of designer handbags. These bags were originally designed for bicycle messengers or anyone on the move that needed a secure bag, but they have become very popular in fast-paced, hectic urban settings. Messenger bags are designed to fit across the body snugly and diagonally for people who need to use both arms while carrying heavy or bulky items. Messenger bags have also become very popular for men, easily deposing the standard briefcase in functionality and style. Shoppers and students alike also enjoy the versatility and style that messenger bags offer.
When it comes to an evening out on the town or a romantic dinner, you don't want to be dragging around a packed hobo bag or fretting over an obtrusive tote. More often than not, a messenger bag will only serve as a ball and chain at a restaurant or in the clubs. If your occasion calls for a little black dress, a sparkly clutch is the perfect choice. These are some of the most coveted of the designer handbags. They are big enough to hold the essentials (lipstick, powder, etc.) and snap open and close using a clutch at the top. Most clutch bags don't offer any sort of strap because they are meant to be shown off and held in your hand, bringing the warranted attention the wearer desires.
Whichever designer handbags suit your purpose or budget, they are designed to be fun and glamorous and attention-getting. Whether you buy authentic handbags from a famous house of fashion or a respectable replica handbag, you will have fun shopping for them, wearing them, and feeling great with them on your arm.
Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for Web sites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and home decor. Her background also includes health and fitness, gardening, and fashion. For more of her useful articles on fashion and designer handbags, please visit Handbags, supplier of fine designer handbags and replica designer handbags.
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