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Monday, March 23, 2009

Get Fit - Make The Most Of The Warm Summer Weather

At last the long cold dark winter nights have passed and we can start looking forward to a nice long summer where the days are longer and warmer and everyday seems to better than the whole of winter. As soon as the summer months arrive and the sun starts shining we feel the urge to get outdoors and enjoy the warmth in whatever way we can. We all feel the urge to be more active in the summer months and we should take this opportunity to make sure that we spend our time outdoors wisely and profitably and try to improve our fitness levels. Who can blame anyone for not wanting to step foot outside their front door in the middle of January when the rain is falling vertically and the wind is blowing a gale? So now the summer months are fast approaching lets get outside and take full advantage of the weather.

Exercising outdoors in the winter is a bind unless you are lucky enough to be living in a temperate climate where the weather changes very little from season to season so when the sun comes out and we can start to feel a little warmth on our bones we should grab the moment with both hands. Depending on your level of fitness to start with there is an exercise to be had for everyone if you want to train outdoors. Even from the most unfit person imaginable to the fittest of the fit you can find an activity that will improve your fitness levels, and unlike joining a gym you should not need any expensive equipment or need to worry about whether or not you can get on a piece of equipment.

Even the most sedentary of people can use the summer months to improve their fitness levels, starting with a 10 -15 minute walk a day in the warm sunshine can help a person to lose weight as well as improve their health and fitness. As you feel the 10 - 15 minute version of your walk try adding a little bit more distance to it or even increasing the pace this way you will slowly but surely increase your fitness. As far as equipment goes all you will really need initially will be some walking shoes or trainers to minimize the impact on your joints and keep you free from injury.

When you start to feel the benefits of doing your daily walk you can increase the intensity levels to a steady jog or even a run depending on your initial fitness, this is where you may want to get yourself some proper running clothes such as a lightweight vest and shorts. Wearing the correct clothing will help you keep cool as well as keeping you comfortable when running any great distance or for any length of time. The last thing you want when you start to get into your running is to be put off by finding that you are uncomfortable when out and about.

Adequate running clothing is not usually that expensive and came be found in most good sports retailers as well as some bad ones also. Good running trainers, lightweight shorts, a running vest or t-short and suitable socks is all you should need to enable you to run for ever increasing distances over the summer months, increasing the intensity of your training as you go which should all lead to you being much more healthy and fitter by the time the nights start closing in again and the days get shorter and colder.

For more info on all things running and running clothing please visit our site -

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