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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Private Vs Class - Ballroom Dance Lessons

Most people when they want to learn to dance do not have the slightest idea where to go for lessons. Word of mouth advertising is considered by many to be the best form of advertising, but if you don't know anyone who has had dance lessons, where do you go?

Nowadays the internet is the best place to start, all you do is go to Google, Yahoo, etc., and type the words Ballroom dance lessons, or what ever type of dancing lessons you're looking for, and in a matter of milliseconds there are more selections then you know what to do with.

In my opinion, the best way to start is to take private lessons, although they may be more expensive at first, private lessons have definite advantages than class lessons for the Beginner dancer.

First of all the word Private means you & your instructor, not you & your instructor in a "private" room. Of course you can have a private room, but the cost would be much greater. Private rooms fees may be from $40.00 to $200.00 per hour extra, not including the cost of your instructor. Private instructors fees will range between $40.00 to $150.00 per hour, depending on the amount of training, experience, and championships the instructor has won.

Most trained Ballroom instructors will have an average hourly rate of approximately $80.00 per hour. If you're a beginner, you won't require a Ballroom Champion unless you want to pay the extra cost, a Champion will be teaching you the same things as a beginner, a regular instructor will teach you the same things, but for less $$$. My advice to you is to choose the latter than the former.

Private instructors will focus on "your" strengths & weaknesses, therefore saving you a lot of time in learning to dance. Class lessons "cannot" focus on any one individual in a class, he must teach for the majority of his group. the real fast learners can get bored, while the slow learners are struggling to keep up with group. This is the biggest advantage of Private lessons compared to Class lessons.

Also, your private instructor will teach the dance, or dances of your choice, and not waste your time with dances that you will never dance. or have no interest in. The next best advantage is you will be able to accomplish a great deal of knowledge, if you are consistent with your continuity and individual practice sessions. When I was learning, I practiced every week, as often as I could; mainly because my instructor told me if I did not practice, I would make her a "wealthy" lady. Ha ! Ha !

Class lessons have some advantages that Private lessons do not: First being one of many people in the group, which leads to meeting many people who are interested in the same activity as you, learning to dance. People that meet in a class can go out dancing together to "practice" their new moves, consequently, you can have a lot of "fun" with your newly found friends. For single people, this can be loads of fun, and could eventually bring new romances into your life, after all, dancing is a "touch" sport.

One more fact...Once you learn the basics from your Private lessons, you will be more confident when you go to a your first class lesson, hence you will look forward to meeting everyone, instead of being frightened that you don't know your right from your left. This is especially true for Beginner men students, they seem to be without confidence a little more that the ladies at the Beginner level, mainly because of the myth that the man is supposed to know how to lead...Believe me, no man leads in his first few lessons, this will come with time & experience. That's why I think that Private lessons are better than Class lessons for the true Beginner level students...

Above all, whether Private Lessons or Class lessons....Start learning to dance now...

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