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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Tips For Buying Detox Clay

If you are trying to detox your body from all of the stray chemicals you collect from your environment, including those that you may have purposefully put into your body, you may want to consider buying detox clay. Those who buy detox clay do so to pull the toxins associated with everyday life from their body.

Why Use Detox Clay?

Healing clays have been used for thousands of years by many different cultures to heal more types of illnesses than can be listed here. Healing clays have recently become more popular as research is beginning to uncover the ways in which they can be helpful in the treatment of various health issues. These clays are all natural substances.

Recent trends in the health industry have pointed to toxins and free radicals as the reasons for many of today's health issues. Minor ailments such as fatigue to serious diseases such as cancer have been attributed to prolonged exposure to, and build up of, toxins. The chemicals in our water, air and food that have come from our industrialized society have made our environment rife with foreign chemicals.

Not only do these chemicals make their way into our bodies, but there are incalculable numbers of bacteria in our system at any given time. Some are not so bad for your body, though others can make you sick.

Detox clay can be taken internally to help pull out built up bacteria in the body. These healing clays are naturally absorbent, attracting the built up bacteria and toxins that reside in your digestive system and expelling them from your body. Detox clays are gentle on your system and, by themselves, are not known to have any side effects. Detox clays are most helpful in removing the bacteria from your liver, intestines and colon.

How To Use Detox Clay

To take detox clay orally, you should mix one tablespoon of dry clay and mix it with about eight ounces of clean water. Many people do suffer from constipation when first taking oral detox clay, but this is due to the expulsion of the toxins and not from the clay itself.

You can also take detox clay baths, in which you soak in a tub of water mixed with clays. These types of clays, and those that you can rub on your skin, are good for skin disorders of various types. This use of healing clay also goes back thousands of years and is still used confidently today.

There are many different types of detox clays that have different effects on the body. Also, each clay works differently with each unique person.

As with any type of health product, you should consult with your physician before you buy and use detox clay. Detox clay is an all-natural health aid that is available over-the-counter or can be bought online.

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