Store Best Deals

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Real Estate Marketing Secrets - What to Do With a Buyer Who Can't Make Up Their Mind

Here are 5 tips to help with this issue and get your client a home.

  1. Know what the client DON'T want and what they DO want in a Home-
    (You mentioned you have their top 5). Ask, "What's important to you in #1 and #2, 3 and so on. Take good notes. Once you know those pick the home you're going to show them 1st.

  2. What they Don't like and what they DO like about this home? -
    Go to the 1st home you picked and when done ask them "What don't you like about this house and why?" And "What do you liked most about this home and why?" Listen and see if it is even 1 of the 5 they mentioned to you to begin with. Don't be surprised if it's not.

  3. Which Home out of those 2 would you pick? - Use the word "Home" because a home can belong to them, a "House" belongs to someone else. Go to the 2ndhome in the list. Ask again the same 2 questions, what you don't like and what you do like about this home. Now add another question, "If you had to make a choice between those 2 homes which one would you pick and why?" Listen to the answer you get. It may surprise you that why they liked home #1 more is NOT one of their Top 5. Keep taking notes.

  4. Eliminate 1 House of those 3 Homes-
    Go to the 3rd home, ask the same questions and take very good notes. Before going to house # 4 you must have them eliminate one of the first 3 homes. Remind them of what they want, get them into the feelings, Say "You may notice how much easier it is to choose because you know what you really want". Once they are with you say "I would like to suggest that we pick the best 2 homes out of those 3, and eliminate 1 house." Notice the use of words Home and House.

  5. Repeat Step 4 once you go to the next house. More than 3 homes on the plate is "indigestion". They don't know that we do, and we the professionals need to guide them through the path to realize it themselves with out us saying "10 homes in 1 day is too much".

The language we chose to use is crucial to guide people to where they need to be without us actually saying it. Use the words I highlighted and underlined, they will help you tremendously. A long answer to a short question. I hope this helps you.

Let us know how it worked.

And now you can see how easier it is to guide a buyer to make a decision and pick the best home. Please Email me when you want more information about the "100 days to Greatness" class at I'll gladly share it with you. I would like to offer you a free access to the weekly video news so you can help your clients more. Share the information with them. Also you will get the free guide "10 biggest mistakes people make when buying a home" by going to to sign up.

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